Tips On Lafayette Home Security Landscaping To Protect Your Home
Landscaping is known to bring beauty, value, and function to properties. But it will also impact your home’s security. Check out these Lafayette home security landscaping suggestions and discover how to better protect your home.
No. 1: Maintain Your Yard
Does your yard make the impression you want? A well-groomed landscape with a mowed lawn, pruned shrubs, and defined mulch beds lets others know you’re attentive to your surroundings. On the other hand, overgrown grass and weeds show you’re careless about your yard and might not put a priority on your home security either. Don’t give the wrong impression and make your home more of a target.
No. 2: Brighten Your Lafayette Property
Darkness is a friend to criminals as they would like to stay out of sight. Don’t make it easy on them. Rather, implement assorted types of lighting throughout your landscape. You no doubt already use a front porch light, but you ought to include motion-detecting lights in strategic areas like your patio door or close to your garage. Install solar lights next to a walkway and accent lighting in front of larger shrubs or trees. In doing so, you can remove potential hiding spots while bringing a distinctive aspect to your yard. You might even activate inside smart lights to switch on when activity is observed outside.
No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline
You should be able to see all aspects of your landscape from the interior. Keep shrubbery and other plants lower than three feet so you don’t impede your view. If you’re getting new plants at a nursery, check the label to get an idea of how big they may grow. Generally speaking, it’s best to stay away from hedges and more sizable vegetation, specifically around entry points like your garage.
No. 4: Keep An Eye On Your Yard With Exterior Cameras
Outdoor cameras are one of the best theft deterrents. The mere sight of them is enough to turn away most would-be thieves. Taking that into account, keep your outdoor surveillance conspicuous but in a higher spot so it can't be tampered with. When you're at work on on vacation, you can inspect live video clips through your handy mobile security app. As an added safety measure, updates can be sent straight to your phone if your cameras detect questionable activity.
No. 5: Defensive Flora Works As Lafayette Home Security Landscaping
Not too many intruders will wish to navigate a thorny plant to access your ground-floor window. You’ll have to select plants appropriate for your climate, but you might utilize rose bushes, dwarf bougainvillea, holly, and gooseberry bushes as defensive flora. Remember, they should be under three feet tall if put next to windows, and if you have small children, they might not be the ideal choice.
Support Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Lafayette
A modern home defense from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the best complement to your Lafayette home security landscaping. Our comprehensive packages provide leading tools like exterior surveillance, home automation, and control through vocal commands. In addition, our home security sign will look great in your well-groomed yard. Call (337) 306-6995 today and customize a system to your home’s precise needs.